Student Refund & Deferment Policy

To ensure a place on the course of your choice, Limerick City College(LCC) English Language School strongly recommends that applicants enrol as early as possible.

  • Upon receipt of a successful application, formal notification of acceptance and of course commencement dates and fees will be sent to the applicant by post, e-mail or fax.
  • Course fees cover the cost of tuition only. Students must purchase the necessary textbook for the programme they enrol on. Fees must be paid in full seven days before course commencement.
  • LCC English Language School reserves the right to modify the contents of its courses and also reserves the right not to provide a course if an insufficient number of students applies.
  • Course fees are not refundable under any circumstances, however, when a course is undersubscribed and does not commence, a full refund of all fees paid is given.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that he/she fulfils the minimum entry requirements for a given course.
  • Students are required to inform LCC English Language School of any medical condition or disability which may affect attendance at the school or which may require additional provisions by the college.


Course Fees

All course fees must be paid in full on or before the commencement of each course.


Refund Policy (Note: GNIB – Garda National Immigration Bureau):

Grounds for a refund or partial refund of fees:

  1. Irish Study Visa extension refusal (for students who are not successful in obtaining their visa). Any application for a refund must be made in writing and must be accompanied by both a copy of the rejection letter from the GNIB and a copy of their passport stamped. Please note: the rejection letter issued by the GNIB will be evaluated by the College in-order to assess grounds for any refund. All original letters issued by the College along with the student’s GNIB card must be returned to LCC administration before any refund can be considered.
  2. Refunds are only paid when evidence is provided by the student of the visa application refusal/ visa cancellation / visa appeal refusal from the Irish Visa Office. A request for a refund will be processed within 60 days of receipt of the following documents:
    • Refunds can only be processed when the refunds are actually requested by the students,
    • A formal letter requesting a refund of tuition fees be issued Limerick City College,
    • A copy of the visa refusal letter and/or Visa Appeal letter received from the Irish Visa Office/Embassy
    • Return of original letters and documentation issued by Limerick City College
    • Complete bank details, including intermediary bank details, using the LCC Refund Request Form
  3. Illness or disability suffered after the student’s enrolment has been confirmed. In any such instance, a doctor’s certificate would be required to confirm.
  4. Upon initial arrival to Ireland, should any student be refused access into Ireland for any reason, any application for a refund must be made in writing and be accompanied by both a copy of the rejection letter from the        GNIB and a copy of their passport stamped. Please note: the rejection letter issued by the GNIB will be evaluated by the College in order to assess grounds for any refund.


  1. A refund will only be granted in respect of fees which have been paid for the most recent year in which (a) or (b) occurs. There is no automatic right to a refund of fees or deferment if at any time, a student changes his/her mind about studying at LCC.
  2. After course commencement, any student requiring to submit a refund request for any reason other than those specifically detailed above (a, b or c) will be required to have achieved a minimum attendance of 85% in accordance with GNIB (student visa requirements) at the time of request.
  3. If a student withdraws after course commencement no refund or deferment will be given/granted.
  4. All course cancellation/withdrawals must be made in writing using the College’s “Tuition fees Refund” form before course commencement date.
  5. If a Student changes their course of study during their semester, no refunds would be given where the revised course involves fewer subjects.
  6. Where an offer was made on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information being supplied by the applicant or student, resulting in their visa being refused shall be exempt from any form of refund. This includes detailing and informing the college of their previous immigration history/record.
  7. Students having accepted an offer of a course place and or not having travelled to Ireland, gives a minimum of four weeks written notice of an inability to undertake the course, all tuition fees paid are refundable, provided that the student provides evidence of the cancellation or expiration of his or her study visa to Ireland. The notice period is measured as four weeks before the notified commencement date of the course.
  8. Students having accepted an offer of a course place within and or having travelled to Ireland, give a minimum of 7 working days notice to Limerick City College of an inability to undertake their course and/or request to defer. The 7 working days are calculated prior to the agreed course commencement date.
  9. Whilst course commencement and completion dates are not expected to change, the College reserves the right to alter any previously detailed dates in order to facilitate or improve the provision of any course and any associated examination. Those changes will in no way affect the other terms and conditions of the student’s contract with the Administration. Should a change be necessary, the administration will not be liable to provide any form of compensation or refund.
  10. Bank Charges of €25.00 are levied to cover financial transaction costs per refund.
  11. Courier charges €60.00 for the express shipment of documents to students.
  12. Please note an Administration fee of €250 will be deducted from all refunds given.
  13. All refunds requests will be processed within 60 days of the initial refund request. Refunds are considered by the College Director.
  14. Accommodation pre-booked and confirmed is non-refundable for students who do not arrive or avail of the booking. The accommodation providers have strict requirements due to the on-going accommodation crisis and that due to bookings being made they are unable to allow other students to book the accommodation.


Conditions Determining Zero Refunds or Deferments 

  1. A student, who withdraws from a course for whatever reason after teaching commences, will not be eligible for a refund.
  2. A student whose visa is withdrawn subsequent to the granting of a visa will not be eligible for a refund unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  3. Where an offer of a course place was made on the basis of documents which is subsequently proved to be fraudulent or misleading.
  4. Students having accepted an offer of a course place and not having travelled to Ireland, without giving a minimum of four weeks written notice of an inability to undertake the course, will not be eligible for a refund.
  5. A student whose entitlement to attend a programme is terminated due to academic misconduct or antisocial behaviour within the college, will not be eligible for a refund.
  6. A student not having requested a refund/cancellation with 7 working days prior to agreed course commencement date.
  7. A student, who successfully travels and enters Ireland for the purpose of studying at Limerick City College, but subsequently cancels their course and/or departs the Republic of Ireland prior to or after their course commencement.
  8. A student unable to continue or complete his/her studies because of having been in breach of government regulations governing his/her student status in Ireland will not be eligible for a refund.
  9. A student, who is unable to continue or complete his/her studies because of having been convicted of a criminal offence in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland and or EU, will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Refunds are only paid when evidence is provided by the student of the cancellation or expiration of his or her study visa to Ireland.
  • Refunds that are not submitted within a reasonable timeframe and within the right to remedy limitation period within the Irish jurisdiction will not be issued.
  • Refunds are denominated in the same currency as that in which the fees were originally invoiced. Payment is made to a designated bank account in the student’s home country, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • Refunded fees are ideally transferred electronically through the international banking system to avoid delay.