COVID-19 Policies & Procedures

Limerick City College Covid-19 Safety Protocol: Limerick City College reopened our centre as and from 5th April 2021. We are following strict Safety Protocols put in place to ensure staff and customers safety and compliance in line with Government Directives.

As we continue to negotiate our way through the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak there have been many changes and indeed challenges we have faced in business and personally. We are now getting ready to tackle the next phase which is re-opening the workplace on 5th April 2021 with a view to achieving what looks like normality someday.

This next step will involve implementing control measures, reducing seat capacity, observing guidelines, ongoing supervision, and collaboration from all the Limerick City College Team and Exam Testers.

All students & Staff Please Download and read the PDF Document using the following link: LCC Covid Measures

This document summarises the Covid 19 Measures and Protocols in place to ensure the safe return to classes.

Summary of Safety Protocols for Exam Candidates


  •  If you feel unwell or are displaying any symptoms of COVID 19 on the day of your exam, please do not attend. Call the centre for further instructions.
  •  Please arrive at Limerick City College centre wearing your face covering/mask. It is mandatory for all candidates to wear a face-covering or face mask.
  •  Upon entry to the centre please sanitize your hands using the hand sanitizers provided.
  •  Please keep physical distance when queuing at our admissions area.
  •  Avoid bringing any additional items besides your ID’s, Pen and calculator (if required) to our test centre. We will provide scratch paper if it is permitted for your exam. We strongly discourage exam candidates to bring backpacks and any unnecessary personal belongings to the centre.
  •  Our test centre administrator will escort you to and from your work station while maintaining the recommended physical distance.
  •  Because there are additional processes involved in ensuring that all Government guidelines are complied with, the admissions processes may take a little longer than usual so please arrive on time for your exam and have patience with us while we do our best to accommodate everyone as safely as possible.


See below for Full Details of Safety Protocols


 Returning to Work Protocol

The Government of Ireland through the HSA / HSE has set out a set of Protocols to help guide businesses in the protection of their employees and visitors ( You the Test Taker ) from the spread of Covid-19. This Protocol is mandatory and will apply to all workplaces and any member of the public entering our premises for the purpose of taking an exam.  All measures that are practicable will be applied.

COVID-19 Response Plan

Limerick City College centre has developed a COVID-19 Response Plan which involves the following:

  • – Updating of our Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Safety Statement
  • – Taking into account employees and visitors including exam takers individual risk factors
  • – A response plan to deal with a suspected case of COVID-19
  • – Controls necessary to address the risks identified
  • – Implementation of the measures necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19
  • – Changing work patterns

Return to Work Steps before workers Return to the Workplace

Limerick City College centre will provide induction training for all staff which will include:

  • – The latest up-to-date advice and guidance on public health.
  • – What should an employee or visitor do if they develop symptoms of COVID-19?
  • – What new controls Employees and Exam Takers need to observe in line with Government and company guidelines.


Preventative Measures

The Protocol emphasises that the best way to prevent person to person transmission of COVID-19 is to practice proper hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and physical distancing.

Preventing the spread of COVID-19

in the working environment 


Hand Hygiene

Limerick City College centre will provide appropriate facilities to allow Employees and Exam Takers to practice proper hand hygiene. Good hygiene practices include – washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and frequent use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers.

All customers will also be asked upon entry to the centre to use the hand sanitiser provided at hand sanitiser workstations located at the entry points.

The Electronic Signature Pad and Electronic Palm Scanner will be disinfected before and after each use. Sanitising gel will be available to candidates after completion of this process.

Test takers will be issued with a key for a personal locker in order to store their belongings. This key will be sterilised after each use with disinfectant wipes.

Limerick City College centre will provide the candidate with rough work paper where appropriate and candidates will be asked to bring their own pens/pencils with them to the centre and use them exclusively when necessary for admission, exam completion steps, and note-taking during the exam.

Respiratory Hygiene

Staff and test-takers will be required to wear a face mask/covering at all times. This is Mandatory and is a pre-condition to taking an exam at Limerick City College centre. Should test takers not have a face mask then one can be supplied for a nominal fee. If test takers are required to have a photo taken as part of their admission process, they will be asked to remove it only for 10-15 seconds that this process may take place.

Good respiratory hygiene practices include – cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, dispose of tissues and wash hands.

Frequent cleaning/disinfection of work surfaces and touchpoints such as door handles will be carried out.

Anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness as coughing or sneezing will not be allowed to test.

We will provide tissues and bins for the disposal of used tissues and these bins will be emptied regularly. Good respiratory etiquette is expected and will be practised at all times by staff and will be expected by all exam takers.

Physical Distancing

The physical distancing requirement of keeping 2 meters between staff and exam takers will be implemented where possible. Where a 2-meter separation cannot be ensured, at the reception/admission area, for example, we have erected protective barrier screens to ensure the safety of our staff and customers. Handshakes are strictly forbidden.

Test Takers Toilet Breaks

In order to preserve social distancing protocols candidates requiring a toilet break must press the call button and wait for the invigilator to escort them from the room.

Test Takers Ending Exams

In order to preserve social distancing protocols at the end of an exam, candidates are required to press the call button and an Exam Invigilator will come to the exam booth and escort the candidate from the room.

Use of Disposable Gloves

Disposable Gloves may be used if required

Hand washing is essential when gloves are removed to avoid subsequent contamination.

Staff and Test Takers should avoid touching their mouth eyes or nose when wearing gloves

Cleaning the workplace

  • – The cleaning of work areas will be conducted at regular intervals.
  • – Thorough and regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces will be completed.
  • – Exam workstations and equipment will be cleaned after each candidate uses it.
  • – All door handles and push pads will be cleaned at least twice daily.
  • – Bathrooms will be cleaned at regular intervals during the day.



The measures in this Protocol are mandatory and will be enforced by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA). The HSA is actively visiting businesses to ensure protocols are being adhered to. It is a condition of entry into Limerick City College centre that all protocols be followed. Failure to do so will result in an exam being cancelled and NO refund will be given.